Monday, November 1, 2010

The Walking Dead

Based on the Hit comic series by Robert Kirkman

Release Date: Debuted Oct 31, 2010 on AMC
Rated: TV MA
Run Time:  60 Minutes
Episodes: 6(at this time)
Genre: Horror

A television series involving zombies? How could anyone pull this feat off? No way they could take what Robert Kirkman has been splattering on the pages of his hit comic series "The Walking Dead" over the past several years. The blood is not a rarity nor is the maturity of this series so could anybody really bring this to the small screen and make it worth the time of day?

The first episode is in the books now, things could easily change but my thoughts from this first hour and a half that we have been given is not something to be scared of.

I must say that without a doubt anything can happen in the next five episodes that could change my thoughts on this debut series, but I want to just give this series a review based off its first episode, which is a bit crazy to do, But i have my opinion and I dont mind sharing my braaaaaiiiiinnnns with you all.

TV is one thing I dont often check into, I have no currently active series that i truly follow, After "Lost" finished up I wasnt sure if i would have anything to really put my Tivo to use with. But Now that Frank Darabont (Man behind  "The Shawshank Redemption and most recently one of my personal favorite films "The Mist" Not a bad track record) has put plenty of effort into the 90 minute pilot for AMC.

But has the thought of a zombie tv series sunk in yet? Think about all the violence that is in movies such as "Dawn of the dead" or "28 days later" Could you imagine a show like that? Maybe on Showtime or HBO right? But not on cable.... Well AMC seems to be the go to channel for your mature content these days.

The series opens with a bloody child zombie and a nice headshot to finish her off, It instantly told me that AMC doesnt plan to treat this show poorly it will put all its effort into making it a worth while series with all the same content that you may see in popular zombie films and of course the hit comic series.

Without spoiling much the first episode introduces us to the main character of Rick Grimes played by Andrew Lincoln who isnt a house hold name, So right off the bat the casting may not get peoples attention, This actually might be the downfall to the series is the lack of true star power, Could it be that new stars are bore from the tragedy of the undead? Only time will tell when it comes to a TV Series, but not much you could really tell from one episode but I have to say Andrew has the look and seemed to fit the role thus far.

Rick Grimes is a sheriff's deputy from a small town who ends up getting shot while stopping a car chase, he awakes in a hospital alone with no answer to his cry for help. As he makes his way around the abandon hospital he slowly realizes the world has changed since the last time he was awake. Soon enough he finds his way to the streets which are just as lonely as the hospital was, Until we meets up with a father and son duo who inform Rick that the world has been infected by the Walking Dead.

As hard as it is to believe he must find his family as any hero knows his family is waiting to be rescued from this nightmare. The show seems to cover issue one of the comic pretty well.  Rick finds himself in search of his family only to end up in the big city. He is not alone.

The soundtrack looks to be a winner as the very calm and creepy music or lack of fits the new world that rick finds himself in now. The background sound is amazing at times you can just tell that the character is not alone that something is hiding in the shadows, The music is not about ripping your face off its more so a slight stabbing that just adds to the horror of things.

Something that plenty of people had brought up was the Comic series is black and white and how would that effect the TV Series if at all? Well of course the show is not black in white by any means, The red flows as crimson as you'd expect it to. But at the same time the series has its own feel to it, It has a very gritty feel to it, not your normal viewing experience it brings things more so down to earth, things dont seem to pop out oddly its more of a real effect that keeps you in the world of the dead.

Either way the Story, Sound, Look and Maturity are all things that make this series a Must watch thus far. Things could change as Days go by.

The only thing that might worry me is some of the casting with no huge names to hold the cast together these guys need to bond and bring each other together as family we will care about. We want to see them survive and keep on breathing. Hopefully Carol(the son) can be a stand out actor as he has plenty of air time ahead to shine bright.

I have Faith. Thus far it is an amazing adaptation of a great comic series. If you enjoy Zombies or end of the world situations or maybe just want a more mature series to watch, this would be the one to keep your eye on.

This is defiantly a hard little rant to post as its only based off the pilot episode and my fandom of the comic series but of course as always I would like you to judge it for yourself.
one thing is for sure....I hope the dead keep on walking.

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