Thursday, November 4, 2010


 A thinking man's stupid comedy

Director: Tom Stern & Alex Winter
Release Date: 1 October 1993 (USA)
Rated: PG-13
Run Time: 86 min | USA:80 min | 79 min (Netflix edition)

Movies come and go all the time, As do the actor and actress that we see each and every day talking about how they have reached that moment in their career that they will never forget and that it was their moment in time.

Freaked is not that moment for anyone really. Its more so a film that brought in some big named stars just to see what they could do with the star power but at the same time the movie ended up with a limited release and no one ever witnessed the freak show. Until it became a cult classic.

The movie "Freaked" stars Alex Winter as a former child star "Ricky Coogin" who becomes the spokesman for the EES(Everything Expect Shoes) to try and promote the toxic experimental goop called Zygrot-27 which of course has been banned in the US and Europe. Ricky finds himself and his best friend Ernie(played by Michael Stoyanov) in Santa Flan to calm the people and get the EES a good name. They run into a protestor named Julie (Megan Ward) For some odd reason they end up in Freak World that is owned by Elijah C. Skuggs(played by non other than Randy Quaid) Of course Skuggs turns out to be the bad guy and has been turning tourist into Freaks. Thus the adventure of our group becomes one of escaping...

Other wise I dont really know how to explain much else that happens in this movie from start to finish. It does have one of the best roles i have ever seen Randy Quaid in and that is no joke. He was a perfect fit in this film. We also have a few other random actors appear in the film such as Mr T and Brooke Shields. Along with a crazy appearance by "Ted" as a crazy dog man.

The special effects in this movie are some of my personal favorites, its the kind you hardly see these days because of al the computer generated stuff has become so cheap and has taken over hollywood. The costumes and make up are awesome on many of the Freaks( Beast Boy of course) and you also have the typical we didnt try make up (The sockman) but all of the costumes fit so well and just make you laugh or in some cases freak out.

If you like trippy out of this world campy films that might make you think,You should enjoy Freaked. They take little shots at cult films or just do things you may not find in films these days (The Troll character) You may also enjoy seeing how much things have changed and have focused more on CGI than actual costumes(which is a big deal to me but might not be for others) over the years. Of course some people still make cheese some what like this today but its never as good as the 90's

It is on Netflix Instant watch at the time of this rant review so who knows maybe you might get bored and check it out.. Is it a B Reel Classic?

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