Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Zombiemania Review

Director: Donna Davies
Release Date: January 3, 2008
Rated: Not Rated
Runtime: 57 min

Some of my favorite movies of all time fall under the horror realm of film, Most of which happen to be Zombie features. Such as Night of the living dead and Shaun of the dead(among plenty of others)

One reason for my enjoyment of the zombie movies has to be the look and feel that they swarm you with, The art that goes into what the undead looks like, how they change with time or how everyone looks different. Always amazing and normally that could be a reason to enjoy a zombie film all in its own.

A nice example would be the work done by Tom Savini in Dawn of the dead 1978. He does some amazing work as do other folks that find a living working on the living dead.

Besides having the art feel to a zombie movie most of the time you can find some underlying message in the film which can jump from racial to government power or greed(falling in line with the works from George Romero) You have the option to take your own view on a zombie film, Blood thirsty monsters or are we the monsters?

The little rant that i have been typing is coming from a movie i just watched that is entitled "Zombiemania" it is a documentary from Donna Davies about the impact that zombies have had on hollywood or how hollywood has impacted zombies.

Its very well made talking about Early age zombies to the ones Romero made famous in his films to the new age runners that Snyder has made famous this decade. But the film doesnt focus just no the movies, We actually find some undead in books and video games.

The dead have infected our entertainment.

No doubt about that, I very much enjoy the dead in most every occasion that i find them in(Porn being the odd man out here, Looking at you Porn of the dead)
What really stood out for me was seeing my Favorite Author and one of my Favorite directors both in the same movie, Something that I never really thought i would see. Given my favorite author is famous for his Zombie novels but he still doesn't have the fame i think he deserves. The man being Brian Keene, Author of the book "The Rising"

George A Romero has plenty of screen time in this film to tell his story of how he didnt mean to make the Zombies that are now called "Romero Zombies" and his thoughts on copyrighting material and just some nice little tidbits from the man behind the undead.

Max Brooks of World War Z fame also has plenty of time to talk and i must say he is a funny guy and knows how to speak to the camera when he is given the time. If you dont own World War Z or The Zombie Survival Guide, Please go and pick them up now.

This documentary has plenty of people giving their thoughts on the transformation of the undead in hollywood and just in general. It does run fairly short in my mind but gives plenty in that time. A very cool movie I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys Zombies.

Really this wasn't a review, I dont see much of a negative in a documentary about zombies.
This is one of the best movies that i have seen on Netflix in awhile, I say go and eat this one alive.

1 comment:

  1. I watched this one a while back, so its not fresh in my memory. I have seen a lot of behind the scenes and zombie documentaries in general and while I cant vividly remember this one right now I am sure it was awesome.

    I also agree that zombies have pretty much taken over everything and it's fucking awesome. One new thing I dont really like is talking zombies's just not right. Takes something away...stop IT!
