Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sean @ the Movies: Piranha 3D

So if you have been following my reviews/posts and Twitter feed, you know that I have been really looking forward to see this movie. Just to give you a little back story about my love for the Piranha series, yes you heard me right series. There are two previous Piranha movies, one that was released in 1978 (directed by Joe Dante) and the other in 1981 (directed by James Cameron). And I am a huge fan of these movies, they are campy as hell, but they are ones that I have been known to re-watch, just to sit back and enjoy the ride, and laugh of course. So when I heard they were going to make a new one and make it in 3D, I was hooked, sorry for the pun.

So this installment is directed by Alexandre Aja, and stars Elizabeth Shue (the town sherrif), Jerry O'Connel (as a Girls Gone Wild Type director) and the very lovely Kelly Brook and Riley Steele (and if you know who she is, you may also recognize a few of the other ladies in this film) as his Wild Wild Girls, and a few cameos by Richard Dreyfuss,Eli Roth, Ving Rhames, and Christopher Lloyd. The story revolves around what happens when an earthquake causes an underwater cave to open up and release a large swarm of prehistoric piranha to reek havoc on spring breakers. And with that the fun begins. And this movie is yet another movie that was up converted to 3D after the fact, so how would the 3D aspect of it hold up.

So I have to say that I really enjoyed this movie, it made me remember how much I loved the two previous films, and it seemed like it was just a great movie to continue the series. There is a great mixture of campy fun, some decent gore, boobs, blood, a few OMG scenes, more boobs, and even a detachable penis, sort of, all of this in 3D. Now the 3D isn't the greatest, but I think it did add a little to the movie, but I feel they could have really utilized the 3D a bit more, I mean c'mon with the creatures being fish, it makes sense that they should be jump out of the water at you, making you move in your seats. I have to say the big set piece during the big attack was awesome, with some great deaths and some decent special effects. If you go into the movie expecting a serious horror movie, you are going to be greatly disappointed, you really need to go in and just sit back and enjoy the ride. There is a little something for everyone in this film.

I have a feeling that this movie is going to be the #10 movie on my top ten movies of the year, just for the simple fact that I had a great time watching it.

Is this movie for everyone, I would like to say yes, but in reality I know it's not. But if you are a fan of the old campy horror movies, this movie is for you. Get a big group of friends together and go out and enjoy the ride.

Official IMDB page:


and Official page:


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