Monday, August 2, 2010

Sean @ the Movies: Dinner for Schmucks, Best Worst Movie and Troll 2

So another week has passed, and the big release for last week, was the new film from Jay Roach, Dinner for Schmucks. The movie stars Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, Zach Galifianakis and Jermaine Clement. Rudd plays a guy who has been trying to move up at his job, and one day he takes a risk at a meeting and he gets his shot at moving up. But before he can do that, me must go to a dinner, where each person brings the biggest loser they can find, and for Rudd, that person is Carell. You can guess how this is going to end, but basically Rudd must learn a life lesson and realize what it means to be a good friend and a boyfriend. I have to say that I am not a huge fan or Carell, but I thought I would at least give this movie a shot. Jay Roach is the guy who gave us the Austin Powers movies, and maybe with Galifianakis in it, I would enjoy this movie. Well I hate to say it, but I didn't. Carell playing the dumb guy was funny for a few minutes, after that it lost it's humor fast. And Galifianakis was also a disappointment, I think I prefer him when he plays the kind of dry humor that his stand up is based on. I did laugh a few times, so I guess that means something. I am going to say that this is a movie I would suggest waiting to see on DVD, not sure if it's worth seeing in the theaters. And I think I feel the same, if you are a fan of Carell. And please for the love of God, please someone cast Paul Rudd in a movie, where he is not the main guy who learns a lesson cause he is a jerk to people, I think it's been done enough, find someone else to play that part. I do have to say that the little mouse dioramas that Carell supposedly makes are pretty cool.

Next up, I went down to Chicago with my friend Brian, to go see a double feature of Best Worst Movie and Troll 2 at the Music Box Theatre. Best Worst Movie is a documentary directed by Michael Stephenson,  and it follows George Hardy and some of the other cast of the movie Troll 2, which has been hailed the worst movie ever made, yet it has become a cult classic. Hardy is a dentist in a small town and tries not to bring up the movie he was in too much. Which most of the cast also do, one even omits it from her resume. But anyways, you get a great picture of what being in a bad movie can do for a person, some go with the popularity and some do what they can to move on with their life. There are some funny stories about the making of the film, and there is also some touching moments as some of the people lives have gone off into a weird direction. And speaking of weird, you find out that one of the cast members, was in a mental institute and one his day off went and auditioned for a role in the movie. Most of the people at the screening had already seen Troll 2, but I hadn't, and I still really enjoyed the movie. The movie is making the rounds across the US, and if you get a chance to see it, it's worth your time. And if you're lucky enough to make it a double feature with Troll 2, don't pass it up.

So after the movie and a interesting Q & A, I finally got to watch Troll 2, and my god it was bad, but you know what, when you see a very bad movie with a crowd of people at a midnight screening, it makes it a great time. The story revolves around a family who switches with a family and comes to find out that the town is full of goblins, we are trying to get people to eat so they can turn into plants, so they can be food. There is a boy who sees his dead grandpa, a crazy witch, lots of green food, and a town called Nilbog. And of course there is some great quotes from this movie, the most popular one being, " you can't piss on hospitality". So this movie is a great watch with some friends around, you will laugh at how bad it is, but it's not a movie you are going to watch by yourself, I don't think it will be as funny.

So that ends the reviews for this week, not really what I am going to review next, but I can say that the next film I am really looking forward to is Scott Pilgrim vs the World. But actually this month should be a decent month for movies.

So until next time, go out and see a movie....

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