Thursday, July 29, 2010

Worst of Comic Con 2010

I have already done a small post on some of the standout moments of this years Comic Con so I have figured why not do some of the big let downs or just horrible moments of this years biggest geek event.

Lack of Costumes: Comic Con is famous for its cosplay, Its a place that anyone can dress up and basically feel at home. But this year I noticed that the costumes seemed to be far and few. Given with the amount of people that attend comic con you still see a solid amount of Jokers and Deadpools and whatever else but at the same time I was not alone in thinking this year had a lack of costumes. I hope that it was just brought on by the semi cold and dark weather that surrounded San Diego this year.
 One of my personal favorites Toph

Swag Hags: As much as I love Swag it has become more and more about the straight up Marketing then it has been about the cool swag. Instead of putting thought and imagination into what they are handing out, We are just being splattered with papers or stickers which for the most part no body wants. What happens to all this junk they are feeding the thousands of people who are entering the Con? It all finds its way onto the streets on San Diego. What a waste. Plus I really dont care about being handed a paper about a restaurant that has a "special comic con menu" because I already know the prices have been raised and the menu has been shortened. This is just a waste of space, time and paper.

Hall H Scheduling: I know this was a big one among most anyone that attended Hall H let alone Comic Con period. The Panel scheduling was just bizarre this year. Thursday was packed pretty well with Tron but then we found our way to Friday which for some reason had Not a single Huge event. Instead Saturday was packed full. You had to be in line even earlier then normal in terms of Hall H waiting. Marvel also ended the night on saturday so you know the line was solid all day long. I just dont know why they wouldnt have scheduled something like Harry Potter on Friday instead of cramming it in with all the other Saturday events. One little Pro to this was my group was able to just walk right into Hall H on friday for the Super and suckerpunch panels, Which i have never seen before. That was pure shock.
 Waiting line for Hall H.

Lack of Surprises: Not everyone would agree with me on this one, specially after we had the stand out Marvel panel. But i must say it was a very sad time after i realized we never heard news on "Spider Man" "Star Trek 2" "Super 8" or "X-Men: First Class" Which i know i really shouldn't have expected any of these things but I really wanted one of these to surprise me and make my day. But that just didnt happen this year. Nor did much of any other huge announcements. We did reached the news about the Haunted Mansion and Pirates 4 and so on but that stuff didnt hit as hard as it should have.

Harry Potter Panel: By no means do i think the footage they gave us was poor. I honestly can not wait to finish this movie series off. The preview they gave us was very cool and the first time I have seen much of anything for the Deathly Hallows, But the sad thing about all of this was. None of the main cast attended the panel. Which I felt bad for all the folks who waited in line to attend only to see some footage(That most die hard fans had probably already seen) and to see Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy, The kid did a nice job but seriously He was the only person to care enough to show up? Not even a producer of the film let alone the Director David Yates? Horrible play on WB's part or whoever is to blame.

Resident Evil Afterlife: I dont really know how to put into words how horrible this panel was. Simply put I've never watched a worst car wreck in my life. I feel a bit bad for Milla Jovovich, Who i seriously enjoy as an actress for the most part. But this film series is only getting worst as it goes on. Milla came out with Ali and Paul to show off a clip from the movie, in which she had stated how awesome this clip is. We then watched a horrible CGI filled Slow mo green screen? Something. We watched as Milla and Ali killed off I would guess one of the main villains of the movie and probably one of the main fight scenes against (Resident evil 5 the video games) "The Executioner" which was shot in 3D with water falling down and so on. Nothing was well done in this clip and once it had stopped Milla told the audience that this wasn't the clip she thought would be playing and she was thinking of another awesome scene. Horrible.
Milla Knows somethings wrong!

Hall H Stabbing: So right after the worst panel in comic con history we had the worst incident in Comic Con history as about five rows in front of me some guy Knocked another man out and they went to the floor in a brawl. It took 5 minutes just to get the ushers to the fight scene. Then another 10 or so for the security to show... Then finally the cops. This whole event killed about an hour in Hall H. It ended up being worst then i had thought even after i walked over to the fight (I didn't get involved as it seemed others had already did so) A man was stabbed in the face with a pen. Yes a flipping Pen. As the guy was taken out on a stretcher right past me about a half hour after the start of the incident, I could see his face clearly. It looked as if he was crying blood. Crazy event to nearly end Hall H for the year(thankfully we received some great stuff after this including the marvel panel)
The Incident.

I think that this is enough Cons for  Comic Con 2010. I know I skipped other things but for me these are all the big downers of the year. I hope some of this stuff will be fixed next year and i hope stuff like this never happens again( Harry potter with nearly no cast or crew, Really?) Hope for a better and less Stabby event at Comic Con 2011.

With this post I do feel as If i should point out that Comic Con 2010 was still amazing and full of fun and great times. But everything always has a dark side.

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